GANZ is a “know-how” and 20 years of experience in renovation / modernization of all types of floating and portal cranes GANZ, and cranes of all German manufacturers.
The reconstruction program portal and floating cranes includes:
- Modernization of the regulated electric drive of crane: instead of obsolete electric actuators using traditional relay-contactor control system is installed modern frequency control system of the crane;
- Reconstruction of the operator’s cab with the installation of modern control boardэлектросеть;
- Reconstruction of the braking system with the installation of the system returns energy to the network (recuperation), which will use the braking energy to useful work of crane’s units;
- A comprehensive replacement of installed electric motors with slip-ring motors for electric motors with squirrel-cage rotor; replacement motor hoist and grab the winch motor rotation mechanism, electric motors, movement and departure mechanisms.
- Repair and reconstruction boom and recovery of the crane’s steel frame, retooling its modern electrical and control systems, as well as other types of work.
Large structural and material margin of safety of steel faucet body GANZ allows to confidently asserting that even 45 years old crane can effectively be used 25-30 years after overhaul. A modernization of the regulated electric drive crane cardinally improves handling and improves the productivity of the crane at 150-300%. Reconstruction of the portal and floating cranes can save up to 70% of the cost of a new crane.